The Season of Isolation

The Season of Isolation

“And make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: you should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders, and so that you will not be dependent on anybody” - I Thessalonians 4:11-12

I wrote “this is my season of isolation” in my journal. I’ve also been hearing God speak this to me, but I wasn’t sure what He meant by this. Like will I literally be isolated from everyone in this season? Then He reminded me that we don’t war in the physical we war in the spiritual. This season comes around every so often and it’s sole purpose is to get us back to the basics, the fundamentals, the foundation upon which everything else has been or will be built.

1. Prayer

”Without communication, there is no relationship” Would you be friends with someone you’ve never spoken to? Would you marry someone you never speak to? What if they only spoke to you when they wanted something from you, needed your help, or were in trouble?

Prayer has been turned into this elaborate concept with rules and regulations, so I hear people say all the time that they do not know how to pray, but prayer is talking to God the same way you talk to your family, friends, etc.

2. Meditation

In prayer, I speak to God, and in meditation, I reflect on His word, on what I’ve spoken to him, I am quiet...through meditation I allow God to speak to me. To reveal things to me. To teach me. To love on me.

3. Forgiveness

“I wanted revenge, but God gave me peace” -We have to make the conscious effort not to treat people the way they treat us. You are responsible and must give an account for your own actions and decisions. You are not judge and jury for what someone else’s punishments should be nor are you qualified to carry them out.

4. Purpose

“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you. To give you hope and a future”

God’s word says that before we were formed in our mother’s womb He knew us. We were designed with a specific purpose, being disconnected from God and plugged in to all of the wrong things can cause you to deter from your true purpose/calling.

This season of isolation is not a physical one, but a spiritual one. A time of detoxing and reconnecting to the basics. It can be uncomfortable to change seasons when you’re not ready. For example that 15 pounds you gained over the winter and now trying to wear last year’s summer clothes just won’t work (lol but seriously). Embrace your season of isolation it is to strengthen you for your next level in Christ, which you will need for your next level in life.

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